Mary's Cottage Treasures

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Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Music

My church had the most wonderful Christmas music program last night I have ever heard! It was a glorious presentaion of the birth of Christ with really 'ethereal' music that touched my soul deeply. It ended with four 12 year old boys doing a version of 'Little Drummer Boy' that brought tears to many folks' eyes, mine included. They each played different types of drums with different rhythms (& stayed perfectly in beat) and alternated singing the words.

I have been reflecting today not only on that song but on the true meaning of Christmas. The message of that song is what can WE give Christ on this Christmas, His birthday. What He really wants from us is our heart and devotion. It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle and forget what 'The Season' is REALLY all about! I certainly am guilty of that. I try each day, with God's help, to do better.

 Thank you, God, for loving ME so much that You sent Your only Son, to be my Savior. Thank you, Jesus Christ, for taking my sins upon Yourself when You died on the cross. Thank you, God, for raising Jesus from the dead and giving me the promise of Eternal Life with You when I gave my heart and life to You. Thank You for loving me the way I am, as I come to You with all my sins. Thank you for removing all that, for forgiving me, and for making me 'your child.' I humbly give myself to YOU!
Thank you, Lord, for Christmas,
 the celebration of the birth of Your Son, and my Savior, Jesus Christ!

Luke 2:11
"For unto us is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord!"


Anonymous said...


I can only imagine how beautiful the Christmas program was. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Pale Pink And Roses

gail said...

I am glad you enjoyed your Christmas program at church. It sounds lovely. Have a wonderful week. ((()) gail

Dianne Long said...

I just love The Little Drummer Boy song and was singing it along with the radio this morning as I took my little boy to the doctor. We have a great Christian radio station here (thefishatlanta.com) on 104.7 and they play all Christmas music in December. It is great to be reminded of the reason for the season. This year is a lean one for most and the beauty of that is that we can all return to focusing on why we celebrate instead of on how much we spend and buy. Thanks for such a lovely post! Merry Christmas!!

Lynette Larson - Campbell said...

Agreed!! I will be home alone for most of Christmas Day but it is a time of reflection and praise! Have a blessed season!

Carolee Crafts said...

We had a similar thread to yours on a forum over in England and I agree sometimes we loose sight of what Christmas is really about. I think the recession has made people realise that it is important that we are all warm and with those we love.
Have a good week x

gail said...

Hi Mary,,, thank you for stopping by my blog today. I love when you visit. I am happy you had a wonderful holiday and hope you have a very Happy, Healthy, and Prosperus New Year! (()) gail