Mary's Cottage Treasures

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

I love the beauty of our world and I especially love Spring. To me, the return of the Robin is one of the most marvelous wonders of Spring. God planned that in this part of the country (Virginia - east coast), the arrival of the Robin would be an indication that Spring is just around the corner. Is that true where you live? [If you post a reply, would you mind telling us where you live, please.] Last week, I saw my first little group of three Robins in my back yard and I got SOO excited! Warmer weather really IS coming. YEAH ... Spring!

Interestingly, several weeks earlier, I was sorting through a box of old linens from an estate sale and found a precious hand embroidered piece with a cute whimsical Robin on it. Tossing it onto the table where I was working, I didn't think any more about it until the next day, when, in amazement, I noticed that I had left it on top of some newly purchased fabric. This sweet material had cupcakes & hearts in the exact same colors as the hand embroidered Robin with his cute little pink breast. Oh, my goodness, I knew right then and there that I HAD to do something to put those two pieces together. But what was it? I had no clue.

Looking at the two pieces every day over a period of several weeks, I finally decided to make a pillow from the cute CUPCAKE fabric and incorporate the Robin embroidery piece as a panel in the middle. The cute robin was holding a little pink flower and I decided he should hold instead, of all things ... a cupcake! Cutting out a cupcake from the material, stuffing it, hand sewing it together, and then sewing it over the little flower took me a couple of hours. Adding pretty pink rick-rack set the embroidery piece off perfectly. So, now the 'SWEET Robin of Spring' is holding a three dimensional cupcake complete with a 'Swarovski crystal' cherry on top! Can you see that little cupcake he is holding?! Isn't he adorable?

Yummy cupcakes are all the rage right now, so if you love them as well as Robins, maybe this 'SWEET Robin of Spring' cupcake pillow creation is meant to be yours. It is a OOAK (One-of-a-kind) creation as there is only one embroidery piece, so buy it for your daughter's (or granddaughter's) bedroom. Or, maybe it would be perfect for that playroom or sunroom sofa that needs a 'POP" of color & fun! In the meantime, I hope to see lots of sweet REAL Robins in my yard as warmer weather approaches. Don't you?! Click on the link below (or copy & paste it) to go directly to my shop to purchase this special 'Sweet Robin of Spring' Pillow.

Hopefully, Spring will come soon to your area. Let me know when you see your first Robin!
Blessings to you and yours.


Vera said...

Mary, that pillow is just the cutest thing. Love the little robin. I am in Arkansas and we are also starting to see the beginnings of Spring and I love it!!


Amore Artisan Boutique said...

What a lovely pillow it makes me think of spring which is just around the corner - Thanks for sharing you should sell that pillow quickly it is so adorable
hugs sassy gail of

Kath' said...

That is one of the cutest pillows I have ever seen. That bird on the front is so adorable. You are very talented. I could never take the time to do all of that stiching. Love it ..... Kath'

Carolee Crafts said...

Love the pillow, cup cakes are really in atm.

We have robins throughout the year and are quite tame and cheeky as will come and tap on the window for food. The are also a popular Christmas symbol with a regular appearance on our cards at the festive season. From England.

Patricia said...

Mary, that pillow is adorable and I love that the robin is holding a cupcake, too cute!
I live in the Hudson Valley in NY and we watch for robins but also bluebirds. I already have the bluebird house put out, they tend to be a little early once in a great while and I want them to have a nice welcome home. Will let you know when I see the robins or bluebirds.
Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings

Lisa McDonald said...


I have to tell you, that in the dead of winter... I saw a robin. As you know I'm in Southern Maryland, not far from you.

Love the pillow, it's cute as can be.


Unknown said...

Well, since I'm the next state down - in North Carolina... I too see the robin as spring. I think this year, after such a cold winter, we are tapping our toes because spring just can't arrive soon enough!
Hugs, Tedi

carolineAlexander said...

The pillow is sweet, and just in time for spring. I am feeling spring fever today!

Marie said...

HI Mary,
Greetings from Bronx NY. Love that pillow. It sure reminds me that Spring is almost here.

Miniature Patisserie Chef said...

Hi Mary,

What a sweet pillow! Can't help but smile at the cupcake and robin combination!

Pei Li

gail said...

Hi Mary,, that is just the sweetest pillow every. Sooo cute. :) We dont have Robins in AZ. They are much too smart to live in the desert. LOL
Have a great week and happy creating. (()) gail

Eileen & Karen said...

Mary, your pillow is the sweetest! I love what you did to combine the fabric and your vintage embroidery.
Spring came so early here in Portland, Oregon. In late January actually. We hit 70 degrees this week-end and then had the threat of snow yesterday! Go figure. El nino leaves us dry and warm, so summer will be hot here. Drought to follow. But who can not appreciate the beautiful flowers and returnign birds... now frogs are even croaking. I love it!

Madison Sanders said...

So so cute!

Free Pretty Things For You said...

Thank you for finding me!
wishing you the best in the raffle!
that verse is the best! hope to see you stop by again! :)
God bless

Cottage Flair said...

Beautiful job on the pillow. Looks like they were made to go together. We finally have a warm sunny day today, hopefully, the start of many!
(But we;re off to VT this weekend to get in a little more skiing).

A Rose Without A Thorn said...

Mary, These beads are so yummy that they remind me of delicious candy. If they were candy I would have to eat them, Mauree.....

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

I'm so sad. :( The description of your pillow and all the comments make it sound so lovely. When I click on your link, I only get an error message...no pic. I'll keep trying though! :)

Mary, thanks so much for coming by the cottage. I'm so glad you enjoyed what you saw and decided to follow along.

Please visit again. I'll be posting some really awesome things we're working on for a show.

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage