Mary's Cottage Treasures

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Sunday, June 13, 2010


Two weeks ago we had a terrible thunderstorm followed by
 a gorgeous bright sky as if the clouds were simply pushed aside.
Everything was so fresh and clean, bathed in clear sunlight.
After a few moments of enjoying the 'clean' green foliage
 of the bushes outside my kitchen windows,
I jumped from the chair and quickly opened the front door.
 And there it was, right over my neighbor's roof top -
a beautiful rainbow, my favorite creation of my Heavenly Father.
The next morning our local newspaper had a picture
of the entire rainbow, end to end, on the front page.
I only saw a small portion of it, but was still thrilled!
Do you love rainbows, too?
God's love for us is awesome and Rainbow's are a sign of the love.
He promised never to destroy the earth with a flood.
He loves us so much He sent His only Son to die for our sins.
John 3:16
Have a blessed week and look for rainbows after a storm!
Mary Patterson


Amore Artisan Boutique said...

I do love rainbows and I never get tired of seeing one. I love all God's creations well maybe not the spiders :) hugs sassy gail

Patricia said...

I still feel the magic of rainbows. Will run outside in the rain to not miss a bit of it and stay out there until it has completely faded away. Thanks for sharing yours,
Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings

gail said...

Hi Mary,, What a pretty rainbow. They are very hard to photograph ~ good job! :)
Have a pretty week! (()) gail

Kim Di Maggio said...

You caught a rainbow! Don't they just make you feel lucky? Hope that lots of luck continues to shine on you. Have a great one, Mary!


Carolee Crafts said...

Love rainbows always make me smile, did you follow the end for the pot of gold? guarded by a little Irish Leprechaun

Anonymous said...


What a beautiful picture! I do love rainbows, there is something very special about them.

oliviapaige said...

I love rainbows, too!!! And that is such a beautiful picture.

Olivia Paige

Shabby Shan said...

What a beautiful rainbow! They always remind me that God is in control and watching over us. Thank you for sharing!

Shabby Shan's Cottage

Marie said...

Hi Mary,
Yes I love rainbows. They remind me to just slow down and enjoy life. You got a great shot of it.

Antique-Boutique said...

Yes, I love rainbows and the meaning of them. God's promise that the world will never be destroyed by water again. He did good!

Thanks for sharing this beautiful picture!


Jacalyn @ rmebathproducts.com said...

Who doesn't love a rainbow??? They are so awesome and a reminder that nature is wonderful!
